Memoirs » Remember San Diego.......

Remember San Diego.......

Sender Clara Castillo
Posted On 2006-06-26
Year 12 th Grad
Memoir Hey friends, its hard to believe that we have to seperate after 4 years of being together, being there for each other through thick and thin and having so many fun memories. There will always be one memorie stuck in my mind.!You guys Remember San Diego! Yeah me too it was fun hu! specially the feeling of anxiety that we got before our concert. Oh but best of all was when we got locked out of our room and we couldn't get back in we were so scared to get caught. Thanks for that memorie!!! You know who i'm thanking!!!

Eventhough we have to move on this is one of the memories we will take with us and cherish always

Love you guys you guys are the BEST!!!!

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