Memoirs » Class of 1992

Class of 1992

Posted On 2007-01-08
Year 1992
Memoir Hey there Class of 2006 and 2007; I am a 1992 Alumni and Wow! One of my fondest memories of "Poly" is the "Poly Quad" and how during lunch we would listen to Power 106! LOL. That year (92) as a gift to the seniors, we received spankin' brand new benches! I hope they are still there? As for me, I am actually an Attorney now, and my reason for this post is well... I just happened to be back in town and well, I want to let all the current students at Poly know that in the end no matter where you live, where u come from, how popular you are, education is the key! What u make of your intelligence is what will make you a successful person in the end,NOT how cute u are, not what u wear, not the fact that ur a cheerleader, in the drill team, a football player, etc..You need to know that in the end what makes u successful is your brain!

For me it was my Counselor "Mr. Bullock" that did it for me, he helped me to actually graduate and to take school seriously, he made me understand that "popularity" is not what matters! Because in the real world, "popularity" means nothing. You can't get into a good school bcuz your cute, bcuz your a cheerleader, bcuz your a good football player.....etc.... GRADES is the key and well of course attitude.

Who cares about about being in Drill Team, being a Cheerleader, being a Jock, etc... Yeah that's all great but being popular is not what life is all about...... I was never a Cheerleader,in the Drill Team, never popular....... I am glad to say though, that I have a great career as an Attorney, and as for all the cheerleaders in my time that I was @ Poly, well.......... I have absoulutely "NO COMMENT".

Reality Check Letter from a 1992 Alumni!

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