Memoirs » poly baseball @dodger stadium

poly baseball @dodger stadium

Sender alberto flores
Posted On 2007-01-08
Year i'll never
Memoir i was in junior high,when i heard that poly went to dodger stadium 1996 to battle for the championship. i thought that was the coolest thing that could happen to i then decided that the best chance for me to get to dodger stadium was to attend i went to the try-outs,i was skinny with no talent,i just wanted to play ball and someday get to the top "dodger stadium" or in other words mount schwal? and ikeda decided that the best way i could help the team was by becoming a catcher,it took alot of work but with both of those guys behind me it was done,i was a catcher,well they made the whole team.we were a bunch of guys who loved to play ball at all schwal had a group of guys who wanted to win and had pride in winning but coach had his hands full,i have to admit that i would not have wanted to take the road i took with any other coach "thanks coach" you got us to dodger stadium.we did battle with one of the strongest most balanced teams out there,with that being said we were there to battle to go to war,all the guys wanted to win the game for the coaches and all the people who said that we would not make it.and even though we lost the game that day, we fought hard,played as hard as we family got to see me in the big show and that was a big deal for me.i just wanted to say thank's to all the guys in the team "RJ 3RD BASE-MANNY OUTFIELD/PITCHER,JOHNNY SHORTSTOP,JUAN 2ND BASE,MOE PITCHER,HANDY PITCHER,FELIX OUTFIELD AND ALL THE COACHES,COACH SCHWAL,COACH IKEDA.sorry we could not win it for you guys.

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