Memoirs » 1966 -1969 Phaeacian class

1966 -1969 Phaeacian class

Sender Rochelle (McCabe) Curtis
Posted On 2007-06-06
Year 1966 -1969
Memoir Entering high school in the 10th grade (I was still 14 in September 1966, for two more months). Guys couldn't have hair touching their collars; no mustaches or beards. Girls had to wear dresses/skirts, and they had to be long enough to touch the ground when we knelt. Could not leave campus during school hours. We respected our teachers. We were expected to learn enough to graduate and make something of ourselves. We had lockers that were not vandalized; often many friends shared the same one and passed them down to upcoming siblings/friend. Soft drinks were not sold on campus. By our senior year the girls could wear long pants to school if it was raining when we left home and/or the temperature was down to about 40 degrees. We had P.E. (Physical Education) class in our gyms clothes every day. We looked forward to every new Beatles record that was released. Most of us survived the VietNam era. We never thought we'd actually be senior citizens someday, and yet here we are.

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