Memoirs » DriLL GiRLz!*

DriLL GiRLz!*

Sender Darla*
Posted On 2007-09-19
Year 2006-2007
Memoir First off i wanted to say thank you 2 all my gurlz that were by my side through out the whole year. . . .i have learned many things 4rm every one of you and i hope you guys learned from me as well.

even though we had no support ... we still kept it all on top because we all put heart <3 into everything and now it has paid off because we have a sponsor that cares for us.***

...* For My " PRinCeSSeS": Jelly Bongo,Piggy Gracey,Daisy (FaGeT) Ana ( Betty lol ) , Mericia , and all the rest of you GuRLz.. i Love you ..CHiCKS..MuaHZZZ 4rm "D*a* PRiNCeSS"

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