Memoirs » Missing Drill o7-o8

Missing Drill o7-o8

Sender Alma Portillo
Posted On 2008-10-07
Year '08
Memoir hey ladies! well now its a new year and its pretty sad leaving 30 girls and a wonderful sponsor behind...=[ but its a new year and sadly i aint there no more but yet wishing you guys the best...I know 07-08 drill team was the best yr! (well the 1 i ever had actually) and i noe that those girls missing you guys too the SENIORS OF -08! just wna let u girls noe good luck on everything wishing u guys the best of the best.! and for the new girls...make the most of it plz! because u'll never know what might happen...=[

Have a good yr oh MS SANDOVAL! i miss you tooo.....

Love ya Luz Cruz!hehe =]Ma LiLO!

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