Memoirs » moving on

moving on

Sender priscilla duarte
Posted On 2009-03-20
Year ongoing class of 09
Memoir our time has come and its time to move on. Move on with our lives. My life, Your life. Our lives. I remember graduating elementry having this scary gut feeling. Feeling i was not ready to grow up. I'm at a point where im strong enough to be on my own because ive always had the family support. No matter what anyone says im going to be the best that i can be. I will succeed. I will love. and i will be happy. I wish the same for everyone. I only want to see the best brought out of people. People don't know that you can be anything you want to be if you just focus. Sure times are hard. But that should only get your drive to be stronger for yourself. I believe that everyone has a place in this world. Theres a time and a place for everything. Class of 09 i wish you the happiest most fullfilling life ahead. If your just kicking back in the valley or moving elsewhere where ever it may be u deserve happiness. im proud to say that i will be graduating class of 09 with my peers. for it was partially my peers whom made me the person i am today. Thank you to the friends that have stuck it out with me and listened to my crying. i greatly apprieciate you all being there and dealing with me even though there were questions why i was around a crowd like yours.some people feel they must try things out in order to find that it isnt right to do. If its presented to you as a health hazard, then why threaten your health. your youth should be beautiful. Always remember that your mind is your own. Peer pressure is manipulative but don't let it get the best of you. my bell just rang. ive got to go but ill be back...

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