Work Permits During Winter Break

If you need a work permit during winter break, you may go to the Work Experience Education Office located at the LAUSD Beaudry Central Office (333 South Beaudry Avenue, 1st Floor, Los Angeles, CA  90017).  This includes all home-school, private and charter school students.  They will process student work permits for any closed school within LAUSD boundaries from December 19, 2016 to December 23, 2016 and then from January 3, 2017 to January 6, 2017.  Their hours are 8:00 am to 4:55 pm. 
All work permits issued during the winter break will be temporary and expire January 23, 2017.  You will be able to receive a permanent work permit when you return from winter break.  You must bring the following with you to get a work permit:
1)  A completed work permit application (B1-1)
2)  A current school ID with birth date on it (if the ID does not have a birth date, then you need to also bring proof of birth date)
The following link has more information including work permit applications and a link to a map on how to get to our office:
For more information, please contact the Work Experience Education Office at (213) 241-7053 or at [email protected].